Unifying Design and Navigation:
A Template for Online Course Creation

Description: I manage and support contracted developers for MSJ. The developers are hired to create new course content and build it out in Blackboard. This online template was created to ensure that all online courses were unified and consistent. This is both a helpful resource for developers and a tool to ensure a certain standard is met within each new course.

Software Development:
BUS352 Improv Video Assignment

Description: BUS352 is a business communications course at Mount Saint Joseph. I worked with Elizabeth Bland, an expert in the this area, to create this assignment. The end goal of this project was to develop an assignment that replicates the experience of being put on the spot and asked a question you don’t know the answer to (we’ve all been there at least once, right?).

This assignment is intended to build students confidence and overall make them aware of how important body language, tone of voice and facial expressions are when communicating.

Unifying Design and Navigation:
A Template for Online Course Creation