About Me


I am working for Mount Saint Joseph University. I work mostly on the development of courses and improving user experience. I work with a great team of SMEs and support them throughout the development process. Additionally, I work with the Blackboard team to help resolve any technical issues that staff or faculty may experience. MSJ has been a great place to work!

My Journey So Far…

I graduated from the University of Cincinnati in three years with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Criminal Justice. During my undergraduate education, I spent three years volunteering with the Girl Scouts creating curriculum and teaching a variety of different four-month long programs. Preparing and teaching these courses taught me how to plan age-appropriate curriculum and design engaging lessons. I learned how to be a leader and picked up various skills necessary to educate and work with young kids. During my undergraduate coursework, I also spent time interning at the Department of Youth Services. Here I was tasked with analyzing data collected from current incarcerated youths to determine the effectiveness of various therapy techniques to determine which therapies the participants enjoyed most.

Image of undergraduate graduation 2018


After graduating, I joined AmeriCorps and was assigned to the EDGE Teen Center. This is where I learned of the necessity and importance of mental health education. I worked for a year as the Community Service Coordinator helping close to 700 kids get out into the community to work on various service-oriented projects. I helped connect EDGE to new service sites such as Habitat for Humanity and Gorman Farms while also maintaining their previous partnerships with numerous other non-profit organizations. I not only worked at improving, growing and running the community service program, I also created new life skills programs at the Center. After my year of service with AmeriCorps ended, I had the opportunity to stay on the EDGE staff. With this new position, I was able to foster close relationships with students and run fun educational programs each week. I stayed on for another year until March 2020 when the center closed due to COVID. AmeriCorps was a life changing experience that I’d recommend to anyone considering it.

Image of work done with habitat for humanity


Graduate Experience

Originally I entered the Masters of Mental Health Counseling program which was an enlightening experience. The theories and techniques behind counseling were incredible and I really enjoyed learning about the entire process. However, after two semesters I realized despite loving the topic, counseling individuals was not what I wanted to do; I wanted to share what I had learned and become an educator. In the end I switched to the Instructional Design and Technology program. With my psychology degree, combined with my IDT Masters, I believe I’ll be able to educate and advocate for a population of learners that are often overlooked, neurodivergent individuals. Even if I am not directly counseling individuals or groups, I believe I can still make a difference. Through this program, I have learned to make education more accessible. I have learned the tools and skills that I will need to improve education for all types of learners.